composer / producer / educator
Richard Millington is a Manchester-based composer, music producer and educator. The creator of the Richard Millington Music YouTube channel, he is committed to helping other musicians and composers improve their craft. His music sells online and has been featured on the YouTube channels of Christopher Siu and the Cue Tube.

My music

Four Parts: A Very Quick Introduction
Ever wondered how your favourite composers get such smooth, full-sounding chord progressions? A short-but-sweet guide to writing and orchestrating in four parts.
The PDF book includes audio examples - after downloading, please open the file in a suitable PDF viewer to access this feature.

Mixing up the Modes
Free download
The modes are a hugely expressive resource for any composer. This PDF is packed with tips and examples of how to use them in your music.

Harmonic Direction:
Interval Cycles
Free download
Neither 'tonal' nor 'atonal', interval cycles can give us fascinating new ways to progress and structure our music.